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Light improves health by more than just Vitamin D - April 2022

Using Light (Sunlight, Blue Light & Red Light) to Optimize Health

YouTube 160 minutes

Jump to portions of the video
  • 00:00:00 Using Light to Improve Health
  • 00:04:31 The Brain-Body Contract
  • 00:05:17 AG1 (Athletic Greens), Thesis, LMNT
  • 00:09:56 Physics of Light, Electromagnetic Energy
  • 00:12:23 Wavelengths of Light
  • 00:15:38 How Light Penetrates Tissues
  • 00:20:13 Light & the Body: Direct & Indirect Signals
  • 00:28:35 Light, Seasonality & Melatonin
  • 00:33:40 Melatonin: Regulatory & Protective Effects
  • 00:38:49 Tools: Optimizing Melatonin Levels
  • 00:44:49 Sun (UVB light) Exposure, Mating Behavior, Testosterone & Estrogen
  • 00:58:09 Seasonality, Romantic Passion & Testosterone
  • 01:02:13 Tool: Skin Sun Exposure & Testosterone
  • 01:06:13 Light & Improved Pain Tolerance
  • 01:11:55 Protocol: Sun Exposure & Chronic Pain
  • 01:12:48 Tools: Sunlight (UVB), Blue-Light Blockers, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  • 01:19:44 Light & Enhanced Immune Function
  • 01:23:30 Tool: Light During Winter Months
  • 01:26:18 Light Therapies: Local vs. Systemic Exposure
  • 01:28:54 Tool: Improving Mood, Timing of Natural & Artificial Light
  • 01:32:44 Light Conditions & Sleep Optimization
  • 01:39:00 Infrared Light, Skin & Wound Healing
  • 01:46:00 Infrared Light Therapy & Skin, Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy (LLLT)
  • 01:49:20 Infrared Light & Age-Related Vision Loss
  • 01:59:36 Tools: Infrared Panels, Morning Exposure
  • 02:05:22 Infrared Light at Night, Shift Work
  • 02:08:35 Light Flicker Phototherapy & Neuroprotection
  • 02:19:07 Phototherapies for Health
  • 02:20:50 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify Reviews, Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Patreon, Thorne, Instagram, Twitter, Neural Network Newsletter, Brain-Body Contract

Articles referenced

His Newsletters before May 2022

Some of his Videos to April 2023


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19481 Huberman videos.jpg admin 16 Apr, 2023 658.93 Kb 134